A Deliciously Evil Halloween Cocktail That Will Impress Your Friends: The Devil’s Mistress

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Even though the candy takes center stage at Halloween, and we Looove Candy, sometimes you want something a little more grown-up to celebrate the haunting season. These cocktails are always fun to mix up and get super creative.


Normally on Naturally Hooked, I may share with you some of my favorite cocktail recipes that I have tried from other sources. But this recipe is an original that we mixed up in the Naturally Hooked Lab.


Halloween cocktails are the perfect way to add a spooky touch to your party or for your evening of binge-watching scary movies. These cocktails are typically over the top and the appearance takes precedence. Sometimes this means the drink looks fun but doesn’t have the best taste. No worries here. This cocktail really looks as good as it tastes. So grab your ingredients, cue up your favorite horror flick, and enjoy!!!

Watch the full Youtube Tutorial Here.


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